尊敬的先生/女士: Dear Sir/Madam: 您好!首先感謝您長期以來對西門子的鼎力支持! First of all, thank you for your great support to Siemens over the years. 在此我們誠邀您拔冗蒞臨西門子ITES 2022展臺5-G05。 We are delighted to invite you to visit ITES 2022 Siemens booth 5-G05. 西門子致力于“數字化企業 - 讓機床制造業更進一步”,為中國機床制造業提供靈活高效的數字化解決方案。作為并肩前進的伙伴,我們誠摯邀請您參觀西門子展臺,了解西門子最新的數控產品及數字化解決方案,體驗產品設計數字化雙胞胎、制造驗證數字化雙胞胎和性能提升數字化雙胞胎對于機床制造業的重要意義,向您展示西門子全球領先的數字化制造理念。希望與您共同探討合作之道,在不斷創新及迎接挑戰的道路上攜手同行,共話成長! Dedicated to “Digital Enterprise – Thinking Machine Tool Manufacturing Further”, Siemens has been offering total digital solutions addressing current and future challenges. As your reliable partner, we would like to invite you to visit the Siemens booth to show you the latest CNC products and digital solutions, experience the value of product design digital twin, production verification digital twin and performance improvement digital twin. Besides, we will also take you to experience the world-leading digital manufacturing concept. We look forward to seeing you by this opportunity and developing more prospering partnership with you. 展覽會地點:深圳?深圳國際會展中心(新館) Exhibition Venue: Shenzhen?New Shenzhen International Exhibition Center 展會時間:2022年8月15日– 18日 Exhibition Date: August 15th – August 18th 2022 西門子展臺:5-G05 Siemens booth: 5-G05 在本次展臺上,我們精心準備了內容豐富的宣講環節,宣講環節結束后還設有有獎問答環節,期待您屆時蒞臨展臺參與我們的活動! 展臺宣講日程:Booth Lecture Agenda 西門子(中國)有限公司 數字化工廠集團 華南銷售大區 機床數控系統業務部 展館地圖: 停車指引: